




1. 1945-9-1 ¤¤°ê°ê¥Á¬F©²¡u¥¬§i¥xÆW¥Á²³¤å¡v¡G


1945.12.15 §ù¾|ªù¡G¶}ù«Å¨¥º¡¬wÂkÁÙ¤¤°ê¡C

2. 1946-12-12 ¤¤°ê®ü­x®Ú¾Ú¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n¦û»â«n¨F¸s®q¡C

a. July 1, 1947 UN Yearbook 1946-47

UN Yearbook 1946-1947

By The Peace Treaty with Japan of September 8, 1951, Japan renounced Formosa (Taiwan), yet, as early as 1947 the UN Yearbook 1946-1947 included Formosa in China as shown above. Obiously the UN was bought over by China as its agent.


b. The China White Paper

The China White Paper was released by the Department at 12 noon, August 5, as Department of State Publication 3573, entitled United States Relations With China, With Special Reference to the Period 1944¡V1949.


Secretary of State Acheson¡¦s Remarks Elaborating the Policy Respecting the Status of Formosa (Taiwan), January 5, 1950

I am having this conference this afternoon at the request and at the direction of the President for the purpose of going into the background of the statement which he made this morning on the subject of Formosa.

It is important that our position in regard to China should never be subject to the slightest doubt or the slightest question.

Now, what has that position been? In the middle of the war, the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, and the President of China agreed at Cairo that among the areas stolen from China by Japan was Formosa and Formosa should go back to China.

As the President pointed out this morning, that statement was incorporated in the declaration at Potsdam and that declaration at Potsdam was conveyed to the Japanese as one of the terms of their surrender and was accepted by them, and the surrender was made on that basis.

Shortly after that, the Island of Formosa was turned over to the Chinese in accordance with the declarations made and with the conditions of the surrender.

The Chinese have administered Formosa for 4 years. Neither the United States nor any other ally ever questioned that authority and that occupation. When Formosa was made a province of China nobody raised any lawyers¡¦ doubts about that. That was regarded as in accordance with the commitments.

Now, in the opinion of some, the situation is changed. They believe that the forces now in control of the mainland of China, the forces which undoubtedly will soon be recognized by some other countries, are not friendly to us, and therefore they want to say, ¡§Well, we have to wait for a treaty.¡¨ We did not wait for a treaty on Korea. We did not wait for a treaty on the Kuriles. We did not wait for a treaty on the islands over which we have trusteeship.

Whatever may be the legal situation, the United States of America, Mr. Truman said this morning, is not going to quibble on any lawyers¡¦ words about the integrity of its position. That is where we stand.

Therefore, the President says, we are not going to use our forces in connection with the present situation in Formosa. We are not going to attempt to seize the Island. We are not going to get involved militarily in any way on the Island of Formosa. So far as I know, no responsible person in the Government, no military man has ever believed that we should involve our forces in the island.

Source: American Foreign Policy, 1950-1955, Basic Documents, II (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1957), 2449, 2451.

3. 1950-6-28 ©P®¦¨Ó®Ú¾Ú¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n»é¥¸§ù¾|ªù1950¦~6¤ë27¤éÁn©úªºÁn©ú¡C


4. 1950-7-6 ©P®¦¨Ó®Ú¾Ú¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n­PÁp¦X°ê¯µ®Ñªø¥¸³d¦w²z·|6¤ë27¤é«Dªk¨Mij¹q¡C

5. 1950-8-20 ©P®¦¨Ó®Ú¾Ú¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n­PÁp¦X°ê¦w²z·|­n¨D¨îµô¬ü°êªZ¸Ë«I²¤¥xÆW¡C

Covering the period from 16 July 1950 to 15 July 1951


In a cablegram dated 24 August 1950 ( S/1715) addressed to the President of the Security Council, the .Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China stated that on 27 June President Truman had announced the decision of the Government oi the United States of America to prevent by armed force the liberation of Taiwan (Formosa) by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The United States Seventh Fleet had moved towards the Strait of Taiwan, and contingents of the United States Air Force had arrived in Taiwan. That action was a direct armed aggression on the territory of China and a total violation of the United Nations Charter. The fact that Taiwan was an integral part of China was based on history and confirmed by the situation existing since the surrender of Japan. It was also stipulated in the Cairo Declaration of 1943 and the Potsdam communique of 1945. The people of China were determined to liberate from the United States aggressors Taiwan and all other territories belonging to China. The Government of the People's Republic of China considered that, to maintain international peace and security and to uphold the dignity of the Charter, it was the duty of the Security Council to condemn the "United States' Government for its armed invasion of the territory of China, and to take immediate measures to bring about the complete withdrawal of all the United States invading forces from Taiwan and from other territories belonging to China.

276. In a letter dated 25 August (S/1716), the representative of the United States replied that President Truman's statements of 27 June and 19 July, and the facts to which they related, had made clear certain fundamental points as follows:

(1) The United States had not encroached on the territory of China, nor taken aggressive action against China.

(2) The action of the United States in regard to Formosa had been taken at a time when that island was the scene of conflict with the mainland, with more serious conflict threatened by the public declaration of the Chinese communist authorities. Such conflict would have threatened the security of the United Nations forces operating in Korea under the mandate of the Security Council to repel the aggression upon the Republic of Korea. There had been a threat to extend the conflict through the Pacific area.

(3) The action of the United States had been an impartial, neutralizing action addressed both to the forces on Formosa and to those on the mainland, an action designed to keep the peace. As President Truman had declared, the United States had no designs on Formosa, a~1d its action had not been inspired by any desire to acquire a special position.

(4) The action of the United States had been expressly stated to be without prejudice to the future political settlement of the status of the island. Like other territories taken from Japan by the victory of the Allied Forces, its legal status could not be fixed until there was international action to determine its future. The Chinese Government had been asked by the Allies to take the surrender of the Japanese forces on the island, and that was the reason the Chinese were there.

(5) The United States continued to feel its historical friendship for the Chinese people and knew that millions of Chinese reciprocated that feeling.

(6) The United States would welcome United Nations consideration of the case of Formosa and would approve full United Nations investigation at headquarters or on the spot.

(7) The United States did not believe that the Security Council need be or would be diverted from its consideration of the aggression against the Republic of Korea.

6. 1950-10-17 ©P®¦¨Ó®Ú¾Ú¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n¬°§Üij±N¡uºÖ¼¯ÂÄ°ÝÃD¡v¦C¤Jijµ{­PÁp¦X°ê¹q¡C

7. 1950-11-28¥î­×Åv¦bÁp¦X°ê±±¶D¬ü°êªZ¸Ë«I²¤¥xÆWªººt»¡¡C



¤@¤E¥|¤­¦~¤E¤ë¤G¤é¡A¤é¥»Ã±­q¤F§ë­°±ø´Ú¡C¤é¥»§ë­°±ø´Ú²Ä¤@±ø¡A´N©ú¤å³W©w¤é¥»±µ¨ü¡u¤¤¬ü­^¤T°ê¦@¦Pñ¸pªº¡B«á¨Ó¤S¦³Ä¬Áp°Ñ¥[ªº¤@¤E¥|¤­¦~¤C¤ë¤G¤Q¤»¤éªºªi¯ý©Z¤½§i¤¤ªº±ø´Ú¡v¡C·í¤¤°ê¬F©²±µ¨ü¤F¥xÆW¤é­xªº§ë­°¡A¨Ã¦b¥xÆW¦æ¨Ï¥DÅvªº®É­Ô¡A¥xÆW´N¤£¶È¬O¦bªk«ß¤W¦Ó¥B¦b¨Æ¹ê¤W¦¨¬°¤¤°ê»â¤g ¤£¥i¤Àªº¤@³¡¤À¡C³o´N¬O¤@¤E¥|¤­¦~¥H¨ÓÃö©ó¥xÆWªº²{ª¬¡C¦]¦¹¡A¾Ô«á¤­¦~¨Ó¡A±q¤@¤E¥|¤­¦~¨ì¤@¤E¤­¡³¦~¤»¤ë¤G¤Q¤C¤é¤î¡A±q¨Ó¨S¦³¤HÃhºÃ¹L¡A¥xÆW¤£½×¬O¦bªk«ß¤W©Î¬O¨Æ¹ê¤W³£¬O¤¤°ê»â¤g¤£¥i¤Àªº¤@³¡¤À¡C

8. 1950-12-4©P®¦¨Ó Ãö©ó¹ï¤é©M¬ùªºÁn©ú¡C

9. 1950-12-16¥î­×Åv¤ä«ùĬÁp¥Nªí±±¶D¬ü°ê«I²¤¤¤°êªººt»¡µü¡C

10. 1951-5-22©P®¦¨Ó­PĬÁp¤ä«ùĬÁp¹ï©ó¹ï¤é©M¬ù·N¨£ªº·Ó·|¡C

11. 1951-8-15©P®¦¨ÓÃö©ó¬ü­^¹ï¤é©M¬ù¯ó®×¤Îª÷¤s·|ijªºÁn©ú¡C

12. 1952-5-5.©P®¦¨Ó°í¨M¤Ï¹ï¤é½±©M¬ù¡C

13. 1954-7-23¤H¥Á¤é³øªÀ½×¡u¤@©w­n¸Ñ©ñ¥xÆW¡v¡C

14. 1954-8-22¦U¥Á¥DÄÒ¬£¦U¤H¥Á¹ÎÅ鬰¡u¸Ñ©ñ¥xÆWÁp¦X«Å¨¥¡v¡C

15. 1954-8-26¤H¥Á¤é³øªÀ½×¡u¸Ñ©ñ¥xÆW¬O¤¤°ê¤º¬F¡A¤£®e³\¬ü°ê¤z¯A¡C

16. 1954-9-26©P®¦¨Ó¦b²Ä¤@©¡¡u¥þ°ê¤H¤j¡v²Ä¤@¦¸·|ij¤Wªº¤u§@³ø§i¡C

17. 1954-10-10©P®¦¨Ó¬°±±¶D¬ü°ê«I²¤¤¤°ê»â¤g¥xÆW­PÁp¦X°ê¤j·|¹q¡C

18. 1954-12-5¤H¥Á¤é³øªÀ½×¡u¤¤°ê¤H¥Á¤£¸Ñ©ñ¥xÆW¨M¤£½}¥ð !¡v

19. 1954-12-8©P®¦¨ÓÃö©ó¬ü½±¡u¦@¦P¨¾¿m±ø¬ù¡vªºÁn©ú¡C

20. 1954-12-25¤¤°ê¬F¨ó²Ä¤G©¡¥þ°ê©e­û·|²Ä¤@¦¸¥þÅé·|ij«Å¨¥¡C



The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran 1943

21. 1958-2-10©P®¦¨Ó¦b²Ä¤@©¡¥þ°ê¤H¤j²Ä¤­¦¸·|ij¤WªºÁ¿¸Ü¡C

22. 1965-6-27¤H¥Á¤é³øªÀ½×¡u¤¤°ê¤H¥Á¤@©w­n¸Ñ©ñ¥xÆW¡v

23. 1971-7-9²Ä1¦¸©u©P±K½Í©P®¦¨Ó½Í¸Ü ¡C

24. 1971-10-21²Ä2¦¸©u©P±K½Í©P®¦¨Ó½Í¸Ü ¡C

25. 1971-10-22·sµØªÀ¡u¥xÆW¦Û¥j¥H¨Ó´N¬O¤¤°êªº¯«¸t»â¤g¡v¡C

26. 1971-11-15 ¥~¥æ³¡°Æ³¡ªø³ì«aµØ¦bÁp¦X°ê²Ä26©¡¤j·|¤Wªºµo¨¥

27. 1972-9-29¤¤µØ¤H¥Á¦@©M°ê¬F©²»P¤é¥»°ê¬F©²Áp¦XÁn©ú¡C

28. 1982-7-12¾ú¥vªº­Ë¨®¶}¤£±o¡C

29. 1985-5-10­JÄ£¨¹»P³°Ãô½Í¤¤°ê²Î¤@»P¥xÆW°ÝÃD¡C

30. 1985-10-25¤H¥Á¤é³øªÀ½×¡u¥ú´_¸`ªº¯¬Ä@¡v¡C

31. 1987-6-4¤H¥Á¤é³øªÀ¡u¥úµØ¼d°ÝÃDªº¹ê½è¬O¤°»ò ?

32. 1993-8-31¡u¥xÆW°ÝÃD»P¤¤°êªº²Î¤@°ÝÃD¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ¡v¡C

33. 1995-10-25§õÄP¦b­º³£¬ö©À¥xÆW¥ú´_50¶g¦~¤j·|¤Wªº½Í¸Ü¡C

34. 1998-10-14¶d®¶¨j½Í¸Ü­nÂI¡C

35. 2000-2-21¡u¤@­Ó¤¤°êªº­ì«h»P¥xÆW°ÝÃD¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ¡C

36. 2000-5-20¥x¿ì¨üÅv´N¨â©¤Ãö«Y°ÝÃDµoªíÁn©ú¡C

37. 2002-4-11¦¿¿A¥Á±Mµ{«e©¹°ÑÆ[ªi¯ý©Z·|ij¬ö©ÀÀ]¡C

38. 2003-8-31¥x¿ì°Æ¥D¥ô¤ý´I­ë:°í«ù¡§¤@°ê¨â¨î¡¨¹ê²{¯ª°ê²Î¤@¡C

39. 2003-12-1¥_¨ÊÁ|¦æ¬ö©À¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡nµoªí60¶g¦~®y½Í·|¡C

40. 2003-12-2 ¤ý¦b§Æ¦b¬ö©À¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n60¶g¦~®y½Í·|¤WªºÁ¿¸Ü¡C

41. 2004-3-8§õ»F¬P¡G§Æ±æ¥xÆW¦P­M¯à©M¥þ°ê¤H¥Á¦@¥Î¯ª°ê´LÄY¡C

42. 2004-3-14 ·Å®aÄ_¤¤¥~°OªÌ·|¡C



¬ü°ê¦³½u¹qµø·s»Dºô°OªÌ°Ý: ±z¤W¤@¦¸³X°Ý¬ü°ê´Á¶¡¡A¥¬§ÆÁ`²Î©ú½Tªí¥Ü®ü®l¨â©¤¥ô¦ó¤@¤è³£¤£À³±Ä¨ú³æÃä¦æ°Ê§ïÅÜ¥x®ü²{ª¬¡A¥L¤]©ú½Tªí¥Ü¤Ï¹ï¥xÆW±N©ó¤U­Ó¬P´ÁÁ|¦æªº©Ò¿×¡§¤½§ë¡¨¡A³o­Ó¬Fµ¦¸ò¬ü°ê¬F©²¥H©¹ªº¬Fµ¦µy¦³¤£¦P¡C±z¨ì©³°µ¤F¤°»òÅý¬ü°ê§ïÅܳo¼Ëªº¬Fµ¦¡H±z¬O®³¤°»òÀ~°ä¤F¬ü°ê©O¡H¬°¤°»ò±z»{¬°¬ü°ê¤è­±©ÎªÌ»¡¨ä¥L¥~°ê¦b¥xÆW°ÝÃD¤W©ú½TÄÄ­z¥ß³õ¹ï¤¤°ê¨Ó»¡¬O­«­nªº©O¡H¬O¤£¬O±z»{¬°¥L­Ì©ú½TÄÄ©ú¤F¥ß³õ´N·|¼vÅT¥xÆW±N©ó¤U­Ó¬P´ÁÁ|¦æªº¿ïÁ|©M¡§¤½§ë¡¨ªºµ²ªG©O¡H


Premier Wen Jiabao's Press Conference at the Conclusion of the Second Session of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC)



CNN: During your last visit to Washington, President Bush clearly indicated his caution to both sides of the Taiwan Straits against taking unilateral steps that may change the status quo. But he also clearly indicated opposition to Taiwan's plan to hold the referendum next week, which is a departure from the usually ambiguous US position on Taiwan. What did you do to make the US change its position from this one? Did you scare them? Why is it important to China that the US and other countries state such a clear position on Taiwan? Will it change or influence the outcome of the election and referendum in Taiwan next week?

(Premier Wen Jiabao) A: There is but one China in the world. Both the mainland and Taiwan are part of China. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of China allow no division. China's sovereignty over Taiwan has been explicitly recognized by the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation and is universally recognized by the international community. However, some people in the Taiwan authorities have been trying to push for a referendum aimed at Taiwan independence under the pretext of promoting democracy. As a matter of fact, what they have been doing has undermined the "one China" principle which is universally recognized by the whole world and posed a threat to the Taiwan Straits area. Under such circumstances, it is only natural that all responsible countries in the world would make clear their positions on this question. Here I would like express my appreciation for the position that President Bush articulated on December 9th, 2003. And also I would like to express my appreciation for the solemn position expressed by various countries on this subject. I have to say that I did not use any kind of power or force to scare President Bush in this process. But I feel that such public statements about the commitment to "one China" by the United States and other countries are in the interest of peace and stability of the Taiwan Straits. I hope that the United States and other countries will faithfully abide by their commitment to one China and make due contribution to the maintenance of stability in the Taiwan Straits and peaceful reunification of the Chinese motherland.

43. 2004-3-15®J¤ÎÁ`²Î¬FªvÅU°Ý­«¥Ó®J¤Î°í«ù¤@­Ó¤¤°ê­ì«h¡C

44. 2004-5-8·Å®aÄ_«ü¥X¤@­Ó¤¤°ê­ì«h¤w¦¨°ê»ÚªÀ·|¦@ÃÑ¡C

45. 2004-8-4·Å®aÄ_·|¨£¬ü°ê°Ñij°|Á{®Éijªø½Í¸Ü¡C

46. 2004-8-12±i¸q¤s¤j¨Ï´N©Ò¿×¥xÆW¡§°Ñ»P¡¨Áp¦X°ê°ÝÃD­P¨ç¦w«n¯µ®Ñªø¡C

47. 2004-9-16¤ý¥ú¨ÈÄþ³d¤Ö¼Æ°ê®a´£¥X¥xÆW¡§°Ñ»P¡¨Áp¦X°ê¡C

48. 2004-10-15 ¤¤°ê¾n¬ü¤j¨ÏÀ]¤Ï»é¶d¼e±Ó¥x¿W¼s§i¡C

49. 2004-10-26¥x·ù¤¤¥¡¥þ°ê¥xÁp¥þ°ê¥x¬ã·|Á|¦æ®y½Í·| ¬ö©À¥xÆW¥ú´_59¶g¦~¡C

50. 2004-11-17°ê°È°|¥x¿ì·s»Dµo§G·|¹ê¿ý¡C

51. 2005-1-7¶ø§JÄõµØ¤HÁ|¦æ¶°·|¤ä«ù¨î©w¡m¤Ï¤Àµõ°ê®aªk¡n¡C

52. 2005-1-30®È®JµØ¤HÁ|¦æ¬ö©À¦¿¿A¥Á¹ï»O¤K¶µ¥D±iµoªí¤Q¶g¦~®y½Í·|¡C

53. 2005-3-14¾n®J¤Î¨ÏÀ]Á|¿ì¡B¾ÖÅ@¥þ°ê¤H¤j³q¹L¡m¤Ï¤Àµõ°ê®aªk¡n®y½Í·|¡C

54. 2005-3-16§d«ä¬ì¤j¨Ï±µ¨ü®J¤Î¤¤ªF³q°TªÀ°OªÌ±Ä³X½Í¸Ü¡C

55. 2005-3-16¤¤°êÃØ®J¤Î·R¸ê«¢º¸¤j¾Ç¤¤¤å¨t±Ð¾Ç³]³Æ¥æ±µ»ö¦¡¡C

56. 2005-8-16¤ý¥ú¨È­P¨çÁp¦X°ê¯µ®Ñªø§å»é¤z¯A¤¤°ê¤º¬Fªº´£®×¡C

57. 2005-10-26³¯¶³ªL¦b¡m¨D¬O¡nÂø»x¼¶¤å¡G¨c°O¾ú¥v ¶}³Ð¥¼¨Ó¡C

58. 2005-10-26¸ë¼yªL¦b¬ö©À¥xÆW¥ú´_60¶g¦~¤j·|¤WªºÁ¿¸Ü¡C

59. 2006-2-21¤¤°ê¾n¦L¤j¨Ï®]¥É⤶²Ð¤¤°ê¥xÆW°ÝÃD¡C

60. 2006-3-1¤ý¥ú¨È´N³¯¤ô«ó²×¤î¡§°ê²Î·|¡¨©M¡§°ê²Îºõ»â¡¨¬ù¨£Áp¦X°ê¯µ®Ñªø©MÁp¤j¥D®u¡C

61. 2006-3-5¤¤°ê¾n®J¤Î¨ÏÀ]Á|¿ì¤Ï¹ï³¯¤ô«ó¨M©w²×¤î¡§°ê²Î·|¡¨¹B§@©M¡§°ê²Îºõ»â¡¨¾A¥Î®y½Í·|¡C

62. 2006-3-7§õ»F¬P´N¤¤°ê¥~¥æ¤u§@©M°ê»Ú°ÝÃDµª¤¤¥~°OªÌ°Ý¡C

63. 2006 -8 -15 ¤¤°ê±`¾nÁp¦X°ê¥Nªí¹ÎÁ{®É¥N¿ìµ¹¯¦®Ñªøªº«H¡C

64. 2006-9-2§d¨¹°ê¦b¤Ú¦è°ê·|ªººtÁ¿¡C

65. 2006-9-13Áp¤j©Úµ´±N¡§¥xÆW¦bÁp¦X°ê¥NªíÅv¡¨´£®×¦C¤Jijµ{¤¤°ê½Í¸Ü¡C

66. 2007-3-7¤¤°ê¾n¤é¤j¨ÏÀ]¤¤¤éÃö«Y²ªp¡C

67. 2007-3-13 ¸­¤å¬Â¬F¨ó©e­û¡G¤j¤¤¤p¾ÇÀ³¥[±j¦³Ãö¥xÆWªº¾ú¥v±Ð¨|¡C

68. 2007-8--16 ¤ý¥ú¨È­PÁp¦X°ê¯¦®Ñªø¨ç¡C

69. 2007-8-16 ¥~¥æ³¡µo¨¥¤H«¸·ì´N»OÆW¡§¥[¤J¡¨Áp¦X°ê´£®×µoªí½Í¸Ü¡C

70. 2007-9-6 ¾n§Q¤ñùبȩP±ý¾å¤j¨Ï±µ¨ü·í¦a ¹q»O¹qµø»OÁp¦X±Ä³X¡C

71. 2007-9-14·ç¤h¤¤°ê©M¥­²Î¤@«P¶i·|µoªíÁn©ú¤Ï¹ï»OÆW©Ò¿×¡§¤JÁp¤½§ë¡¨¡C

72. 2007-9-18 ¦è¥[®õù¥§¨È¦U¹´¹ÎÁp¦XÁ|¦æÁn°Q¡§¤JÁp¤½§ë¡¨®y½Í·|¡C

73. 2008-3-22¾n¤òùبD´µ¤j¨Ï°ª¥Éµ`¥X®u¡§¤¤°ê©M¥­²Î¤@«P¶i·|¡¨½Í¸Ü¡C

74. 2009-10-11°ê®a°Æ¥D®u²ßªñ¥­µø¹î¤F¬fªL¤¤°ê¤å¤Æ¤¤¤ß¡C°ÑÆ[¤Fªi¯ý©Z·|ij¬ö©ÀÀ]¡AÅ¥¨ú¤F¥@¬É¤Ïªk¦è´µ¾Ôª§©M¦³Ãö±N»OÆWÂkÁÙµ¹¤¤°êªº¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n¡B¡mªi¯ý©Z¤½§i¡nµ¥±¡ªp¤¶²Ð¡C

75. 2010-9-2¾n­^¼B¾å©ú¤j¨Ïªí¥Ü¡A¤¤­^¨â°ê¦b¥@¬É¤Ïªk¦è´µ¾Ôª§¤¤¬O°í©wªº·ù¤Í¡A1943¦~¡A¤¤¡B¬ü¡B­^¤T°ê¦@¦Pµoªíªº¹ï¤é§@¾Ô«Å¨¥¡X¡X¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n§ó¬O¨ã¦³­«­n¾ú¥v·N¸q¡C

76. 2012-8-24¥~¥æ³¡µo¨¥¤H¬x½U´N¤é¥»»â¾É¤H¯A³¨³½®q¨¥½×µª°OªÌ°Ý

77. 2012-9-19 ²ßªñ¥­»P¬ü°ê°ê¨¾³¡ªø½Í¸Ü¡G


Vice President Xi Jinping Meets with U.S. Secretary of Defense Panetta

China's Xi calls "purchase" of Diaoyu Islands "a farce," urges Japan to stop



BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- Vice President Xi Jinping on Wednesday said Japan's "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands was a farce and urged Japan to stop any behavior that infringes upon China's sovereignty.

"Japan should rein in its behavior and stop any words and acts that undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Xi said in a meeting with visiting U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

It was the first time for Xi to comment on the Diaoyu Islands since the Japanese government announced its decision to "purchase" the Diaoyu Islands on Sept. 10.

He said Japan's "purchase" openly questions the legal effects of the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation and has intensified the neighbors' territorial disputes.

Xi said the international community will never tolerate Japan's attempt to deny the outcomes of the World Anti-Fascist War.

Xi recalled the "September 18 Incident," which directly preceded Japan's invasion of northeast China in 1931, saying Japanese militarism affected not only the Chinese, but also the United States and Asia-Pacific countries.

Rather than reflect on the trauma Japan brought to neighboring countries and some Asia-Pacific countries, Japanese political forces have continued to make mistakes by staging the farce of "purchasing" the Diaoyu Islands, Xi said.

Xi also called on the United States to act in the larger interest of regional peace and stability, mind its words and actions, not to get involved in issues regarding the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands and refrain from doing anything that might escalate tensions and complicate the situation.

78. 2012-9-25 ³¨³½¥x¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ White Paper on Diaoyu Dao

¡]1¡^After World War II, Diaoyu Dao was returned to China in accordance with such international legal documents as the Cairo Declaration¡K¡K

¡]2¡^In December 1943, the Cairo Declaration stated in explicit terms that "all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa [Taiwan] and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China.

¡]3¡^In July 1945, the Potsdam Proclamation stated in Article 8: "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine."

¡]4¡^These facts show that in accordance with the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, Diaoyu Dao, as affiliated islands of Taiwan, should be returned, together with Taiwan, to China.

¡]5¡^International legal documents such as the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation provide that Japan must unconditionally return the territories it has stolen from China.

¡]6¡^Japan's attempted occupation of Diaoyu Dao, in essence, constitutes a challenge to the post-war international order established by such legal documents as the Cairo Declaration¡K¡K

79. 2012-9-28·¨¼äêÁ¦bÁp¦X°êÄÄ­z¤¤¤è¦b³¨³½®q°ÝÃD¤WªºÄY¥¿¥ß³õ¡C

80. 2015-8-6¤ý¼Ý¦bªF¨ó¥~ªø·|ij«ÅºÙ¡A®Ú¾Ú¶}ù«Å¨¥¦¬¦^¦è¨F¡B«n¨F¡C

On 6 August local time, during the Foreign Ministers' Meetings of the East Asia Summit (EAS) and ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the Philippine Foreign Minister attacked China on its South China Sea policy and trumpeted the arbitration case against China. The Japanese Foreign Minister supported the Philippines and claimed that artificial land features do not generate legal rights and interests. Foreign Minister Wang Yi made an impromptu response :

Seventy years ago, pursuant to the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, China lawfully recovered the Nansha and Xisha Islands which were illegally occupied by Japan and resumed exercise of sovereignty. As a matter of fact, the military vessels China used in recovering the islands were provided by the United States, an Allied Nation.


81. 2017-1-11°ê¥x¿ì·s»Dµo§G·|¿è¿ý¡]2017-01-11¡^

®ü®l¤§Án¼s¼½¹q»O°OªÌ: ¾Ú³ø¾É¡A»OÆW¦³Ãö¤è­±ªñ¤é¤½§Gªº¤@¥÷Àɮ׸ÌÅã¥Ü¡A½±¤¶¥Û´¿¸g¦b¦­¦~ªí¥Ü¡§»OÆWªk«ß¦a¦ì»P¥DÅv¡A¦b¹ï¤é©M·|¥¼¦¨¥H«e¡A¤£¹L¬°§Ú°ê¤@°UºÞ¦a¤§©Ê½è¡C¡¨³o¥ó¨Æ±¡¦b®q¤º¤Þµo¤F¼sªxÃöª`¡C½Ð°Ýµo¨¥¤H¹ï¦¹¦³¦óµû½×¡H

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82. 2017-2-7¤¤°ê¥~ªø¤ý¼Ý¦b¿D¬w³z¹L´CÅé¶Ç¸Üµ¹¤t´¶¡A­n¥L­«·Å2¾Ô¾ú¥v¡A¨Ã»¡¡u§@¬°2¾Ôªº³Ó§Q¦¨ªG¡A¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n©M¡mªi¯ý©Z¤½§i¡n©ú½T³W©w¡A¤é¥»¥²¶·±N©ÒÅѨú©ó¤¤°êªº»â¤gÂkÁÙ¤¤°ê¡A³o¨ä¤¤´N¥]¬A«n¨F¸s®q¡v¡C¨â¤Ñ«á¤t´¶´N»{¤F¡u¤@¤¤¬Fµ¦¡v¡C

Wang Yi Advises the US on the South China Sea Issue: Review the History of World War II



On February 7, 2017 local time, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop of Australia jointly met the press after holding the fourth round of China-Australia Diplomatic and Strategic Dialogue in Canberra. Australian journalists inquired about whether there will be military conflicts in the South China Sea between China and the US and what information is expected to be passed to the US from China.

Wang Yi expressed upon enquiry that I just want to offer a piece of advice to the US friends: review the history of World War II. From the long history of mankind, the end of World War II is not too long from now. As a victory result of World War II, the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation clearly stipulate that Japan must return the stolen Chinese territory to China, including the Nansha Islands. In 1946, the then Chinese Government publicly resumed Nansha Islands, which had been occupied by Japan, as well as its exercise of sovereignty based on relevant laws with assistance from the US. Later on, some countries around China illegally occupied parts of the islands and reefs of Nansha Islands, which leads to the so-called South China Sea dispute. In this regard, China always insists on a peaceful settlement through dialogues and consultations with parties directly concerned and on the basis of historical facts and international laws. This position will not change in the future.

Wang Yi noted that under joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the situation in the South China Sea is stabilizing. China and the Philippines have already set up a bilateral consultation mechanism on the South China Sea issue. China and ASEAN countries are speeding up the consultations on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea to establish regional rules that China and all ASEAN parties agree with, control the situation in the South China Sea and safeguard regional stability.

Wang Yi said that the South China Sea issue has returned to the correct track of resolving disputes through negotiations and consultations between parties directly concerned. What countries outside the region should do is to actively support the efforts made by regional countries to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea, but not the contrary. From this perspective, China attaches importance to the new US Defense Secretary James Mattis's recent comment of stressing to resolve the South China Sea dispute through diplomatic endeavor, which is not only in line with the established stance of China and ASEAN nations, and also should be the correct choice for countries outside the region.

83. 2017-3-29 °ê»O¿ì°¨¾å¥ú3¤ë29¤é·s»DÄÀ¥X·|¡C



84. 2017-7-12 ¦³°OªÌ°Ý¡A»OÆW·í§½§Y±N±À¥Xªº°ª¤¤ªÀ·|¬ì·s½Òºõ¤£¦A´£¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n¡B¦³Ãö©x¤èºô¯¸¤wºM°£¬ÛÃö¤º®e¡A½Ð°Ý¹ï¦¹¦³¦ó¦^À³¡H



85. 2017-7-13 ¤¤°ê¥~¥æ³¡发¨¥¤H¯Õ²n¥D«ù¨Ò¦æ°OªÌ·|¡C








86. 2017-7-14 ¤¤°ê¥¡µø¡G°ß®£³Q¿ò§Ñ¡A吕¨q½¬§¯¨¥´b²³¡F¥sÄÛ¶}ù«Å¨¥¤£¬O°ê»Ú©M¬ù¡A¨S¦³»¡©ú¥xÆWÂkÄÝ¡C



87. 2017.11.11 ¦bAPEC²ßªñ¥­§i¶D¦w­¿¡G¤é¤¤4­Ó¬Fªv¤å¥ó¬°³B²z¥x®ü°ÝÃD·Ç«h¡C¥ç§Y¶}ù«Å¨¥¬O®Ö¤ß°ÝÃD¡C


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¡] 1 ¡^ 1972¦~«ì´_¨¹¥æ®Éµoªíªº¡m¤¤¤éÁp¦XÁn©ú¡n¡G¤¤µØ¤H¥Á¦@©M°ê¬F©²­«¥Ó¡G»OÆW¬O¤¤µØ¤H¥Á¦@©M°ê»â¤g¤£¥i¤À³Îªº¤@³¡¤À¡C¤é¥»°ê¬F©²¥R¤À²z¸Ñ©M´L­«¤¤°ê¬F©²ªº³o¤@¥ß³õ¡A¨Ã°í«ù¿í´`ªi¯ý©Z¤½§i²Ä¤K±øªº¥ß³õ¡C¡]«ö¡Gªi¯ý©Z¤½§i²Ä¤K±ø¥þ¤å¬°¡GThe terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine. ¤¤°ê¬F©²Â½Ä¶¡A¡u¶}ù«Å¨¥ªº±ø¥ó¥²¶·¹ê¬I¡A¦Ó¤é¥»¤§¥DÅv¡A¥²±N­­©ó¥»¦{¡B¥_®ü¹D¡B¤E¦{¡B¥|°ê¤Î§^¤H©Ò¨M©w¨ä¥L¤p®q¤§¤º¡v¡C

¡] 2 ¡^ 2008¦~¡m¤¤¤éÃö©ó¥þ­±±À¶i¾Ô²¤¤¬´fÃö«YªºÁp¦XÁn©ú¡n¤é¤è­«¥Ó¡AÄ~Äò°í«ù¦b¡m¤é¤¤Áp¦XÁn©ú¡n¤¤´N»OÆW°ÝÃDªí©úªº¥ß³õ¡C


¡]叧¨â­Ó¡^¬°1978¦~¡m¤¤¤é©M¥­¤Í¦n±ø¬ù¡n¤Î1998¦~¡m ¤¤¤éÁp¦X«Å¨¥¡n ¡C

88. 2018¦~1¤ë28¤é¡A¤¤°ê·Q²V¤ôºN³½¥Î¡u¤@¤¤¡v¥N´À¡u¶}ù«Å¨¥¡v¡A¾D¤é¥»©Ô¦^1972¤é¤¤Áp¦XÁn©ú¡A¥ç§Y©Ô¦^¨ì¶}ù«Å¨¥ªº°_ÂI¡C




http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/wjbzhd/t1529585.shtml ¡^¡C


89. 2020.5.7¤¤°ê¥x¿ì¡G¥xÆW¬O¤¤°ê¤£¥i¤À³Îªº¤@³¡¤À¡C¥]¬A¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n¡mªi¯ý©Z¤½§i¡n¦b¤ºªº¤@¨t¦C°ê»ÚªkÀÉ¡A³£©ú½TµL»~¦a½T»{¤F¤¤°ê¹ï¥xÆWªº¥DÅv¡C ¨£http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/wyly/202005/t20200507_12272629.htm


90. 2021-8-4¤ý¼Ý¦b¥X®u²Ä11©¡ªF¨È®p·|¥~ªø·|®É´Á±æ¦U¤è¦b«n®ü°ÝÃD¤W°µ¨ì¡§¥|­Ó´L­«¡¨¡A¤@¬O­n´L­«¨Æ¹ê¡C¤¤°ê¬F©²¨Ì·Ó¡m¶}ù«Å¨¥¡n©M¡mªi¯ý©Z¤½§i¡n³W©w¡A¦¬´_³Q¤é¥»«Dªk«I¦ûªº«n®ü½Ñ®q¡C

On the evening of August 4, 2021, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated China's principled position on the South China Sea issue when attending the 11th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers' Meeting, calling on all parties to adhere to "four respects" on the South China Sea issue and urging non-regional forces to stop extending their hands to the South China Sea.

Wang Yi said, first, we need to respect the historical facts. After World War II, the Chinese government resumed the exercise of authority over Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea islands) illegally occupied by Japan in accordance with the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, which formed an important part of the post-World War II international order.


91. 2022-2-28 ¤ý¼Ý¦b¡§¤W®ü¤½³ø¡¨µoªí50©P¦~¬ö©À¤j·|µøÀWÁ¿¸Üªí¥Ü¡A¶}ù«Å¨¥©ú½T³W©w§â¤é¥»ÅѨúªº¤¤°ê»â¤g¡A¥]¬A¥xÆW¡B¼ê´òÂkÁÙ¤¤°ê¡C

February 28, 2022 Video Address by State Councilor Wang Yi, at the Meeting in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Shanghai Communiqué that the Cairo Declaration stating clearly that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, shall be restored to China.




¡§Taiwan has been an inalienable part of Chinese territory since ancient times. In 1943, leaders of China, the United Kingdom and the United States issued the Cairo Declaration, stating clearly that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, shall be restored to China. In 1945, the Potsdam Declaration, which was aimed at ending World War II, reiterated that the terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out. All this shows unequivocally that there is no controversy at all in the international community regarding China¡¦s sovereignty over Taiwan. And Taiwan returned to the embrace of the motherland in accordance with law.¡¨


92. ¬ü°ê°ê°È°| 2022.5.5¤U¬[¡u¤£¤ä«ù¥x¿W¡v¡A5.26¤¤°ê¥Î¶}ùÁÀ¨¥®£À~±o³x¡A5.28­«·s¤W¬[¡C

¬ü¥xÃö«Y²{ªpªí¡]Fact Sheet¡^¡Aª©ªº¡u¬ü°ê¤£¤ä«ù¥xÆW¿W¥ß¡v¡]¨£ªí1¡^¦b2022.5.5¤½¥¬ªº·sª©¤¤§R°£¡]¨£ªí2¡^¡C¥i¬O2022.5.28¤S©ñ囘¡]¨£ªí3¡^¡C

¥Ñ©ó2022.5.5¥¬ªLªÖ¹w©w¬Fµ¦ºt»¡¦]½T¶E¨ú®ø¡A¦Ó¦P¤é¡u¬ü¥xÃö«Y²{ªpªí¡]Fact Sheet¡^¡v删°£¡u¬ü°ê¤£¤ä«ù¥xÆW¿W¥ß¡v¡A·íµM³Qµø¬°¥¬ªLªÖªº¬Fµ¦¡A¤¤°êºò±i¡C

¡u¬ü°ê¤£¤ä«ù¥xÆW¿W¥ß¡vÁö¦b2022.5.5¤é§R°£¡A5¤ë11¬ü°ê°ê°È°|µo¨¥¤HPrice却ªí¥Üwe do not support Taiwan independence¡]¨£ªí4¡^¡A¦ý¤W­z¡u¬ü¥xÃö«Y²{ªpªí¡v¨Ã¥¼§â¡u¤£¤ä«ù¥xÆW¿W¥ß¡v©ñ¦^Fact Sheet¡Aª½¨ì5¤ë28¡C


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¯³­è¦b«nµØ¦­³øªº¤å³¹­nÂI¬°¡GThe Cairo Declaration issued by the leaders of China, the US and Britain in 1943 clearly states that all territories Japan stole from the Chinese, such as Taiwan and Penghu Islands, shall be restored to China. The Potsdam Proclamation of 1945 affirmed that the terms of the Cairo Declaration would be carried out.


¶}ù«Å¨¥ªº¯u¬Û½Ð¬Ý¡Ahttp://www.taiwannation.com.tw/cairo01.htm °ê¦@¦ê³q°°³y¶}ù«Å¨¥´Û¥@ÅÑ¥x¡C







QUESTION: Yes. On Hong Kong, do you have anything on the arrest of the Catholic cardinal, Joseph Zen? And separately, if I may, can you recap the U.S. policy toward Taiwan? Does the U.S. support Taiwan independence? I¡¦m asking because the Taiwan President Tsai has already said there is no need to declare Taiwan independence because Republic of China was established in 1912. Thank you.

MR PRICE: Thanks, Nike. We discussed this a bit yesterday, but let me just reiterate that our policy towards Taiwan has not changed. The United States remains committed to our longstanding ¡§one China¡¨ policy which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three U.S.-China Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances.

To your question, we do not support Taiwan independence and we have repeatedly made this clear both in public and in private. Though the United States does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan and does not support Taiwan independence, we do have, as you know, a robust unofficial relationship with Taiwan as well as an abiding interest in maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits.



On Taiwan, our approach has been consistent across decades and administrations. As the President has said, our policy has not changed. The United States remains committed to our ¡§one China¡¨ policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, the Six Assurances. We oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo from either side; we do not support Taiwan independence; and we expect cross-strait differences to be resolved by peaceful means.

93. 2022.6.13 ¤¤°ê«Å§G¹ï¥xÆW®ü®l¨É¦³¥DÅv

China announces it has sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait




Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin¡¦s Regular Press Conference on June 13, 2022 https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/xwfw_665399/s2510_665401/202206/t20220613_10702460.html 2022-06-13 21:39

Bloomberg: We reported that Chinese military officials have repeatedly asserted that the Taiwan Strait is not international waters in recent months during meetings with US counterparts. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on this?

Wang Wenbin: Taiwan is an inalienable part of China¡¦s territory. The Taiwan Strait ranges in width from about 70 nautical miles at its narrowest and 220 nautical miles at its widest. According to UNCLOS and Chinese laws, the waters of the Taiwan Strait, extending from both shores toward the middle of the Strait, are divided into several zones including internal waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, and the Exclusive Economic Zone. China has sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait. At the same time, it respects the lawful rights of other countries in relevant waters. 

There is no legal basis of ¡§international waters¡¨ in the international law of the sea. It is a false claim when certain countries call the Taiwan Strait ¡§international waters¡¨ in order to find a pretext for manipulating issues related to Taiwan and threatening China¡¦s sovereignty and security. China is firmly against this.

94. 2022.9.24¤ý¼Ý¦bÁp¦X°êºtÁ¿¶}ù«Å¨¥¥xÆWÂkÁÙ¤¤°ê

2022.9.24 Statement by Wang Yi at the UN that It is explicitly stated in the Cairo Declaration Taiwan shall be restored to China.

为©M¥­发®i尽¤O  为团结进¨B担当¡X¡X¦b²Ä77届联¦X国¤j会¤@¯ë©Ê辩论¤Wªººt讲

2022-09-25 09:33 


Making Every Effort for Peace and Development and Shouldering the Responsibility for Solidarity and Progress


2022-09-25 23:55

Statement by H.E. Wang Yi State Councilor and Foreign Minister of The People¡¦s Republic of China At the General Debate of the 77th Session of The United Nations General Assembly

New York, September 24, 2022

It is explicitly stated in the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation issued 70-odd years ago that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, including Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, shall be restored to China. This constitutes an important part of the post-war international order.

95. ¿à²M¼w·í¿ï¦¸¤é¤¤°ê¦b¶}ù§j­·


2024-01-14 21:36





Election result can't change fact that Taiwan is part of China, says Chinese FM

Updated: January 15, 2024 08:40 Xinhua

CAIRO, Jan. 14 -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Sunday that the result of the leadership election in the Taiwan region cannot change the basic fact that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during a press conference following his meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry in the Egyptian capital of Cairo.

The outcome of the recent leadership election in the Taiwan region also won't change the prevailing consensus of the international community on adhering to the one-China principle, he said.

Wang noted that 80 years ago in Cairo, China, the United States and Britain issued the Cairo Declaration, which clearly stipulated that all the territories Japan had stolen from China, including Taiwan, should be restored to China.

Later, the Article Eight of the Potsdam Proclamation, which was jointly issued by China, the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union in 1945, required that the "terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out," and then Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration and declared unconditional surrender, he said.

The series of documents with international legal effect formed an integral part of the post-war international order, and laid the historical and legal foundation that Taiwan is an inalienable territory of China, Wang said.

He stressed that Taiwan's independence has never been possible in the past and certainly won't be possible in the future.

Those who seek Taiwan's independence to split the Chinese territory will surely be "severely punished" by history and the law, he warned¡K

96. ¤¤°ê¤]¶]¥h¼w°ê·t¥Üªi¯ý©Z«Å¨¥¹ê¬I¶}ù«Å¨¥



2024-02-18 20:04



Wang Yi: One-China Principle Advocates Should Support China's Peaceful Reunification


2024-02-18 23:00

On February 17, 2024 local time, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the Munich Security Conference. He delivered a keynote speech and answered questions on the Taiwan question on the spot during the "Conversation with China" session.

Wang Yi said that Taiwan has always been part of China. In 1943, the governments of China, the United States and Britain jointly issued the Cairo Declaration, which stipulates clearly that Taiwan stolen by Japan shall be restored to China. The Potsdam Proclamation, aimed at ending World War II and issued in 1945, stipulates in Article 8 that the terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out. The UN documents have more clearly described Taiwan as a province of China. All these facts have fully demonstrated that the Taiwan question is one hundred percent China's internal matter. Taiwan has never been and will never be a country. This is a basic historical fact and an international consensus.



2024-04-26 09:34




Written Interview with Al Jazeera Media Network by Foreign Minister Wang Yi


2024-04-26 14:56

Q4. On Taiwan. We have noted that eyes are on the Chinese government to see if it will take military action on China¡¦s Taiwan region. Given Taiwan¡¦s close ties with the United States and U.S. continued arms sales, how do you see the situation across the Taiwan Strait?

Wang Yi:Taiwan has been an inseparable part of China since ancient times. The Cairo Declaration jointly issued by the governments of China, the United States and the United Kingdom in 1943 clearly stated that Taiwan, which Japan had stolen from the Chinese, shall be restored to China. The Potsdam Declaration of 1945 to end World War II reiterated in Article 8 that ¡§the terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out.¡¨ U.N. General Assembly Resolution 2758 was another unequivocal recognition of the one-China principle. These legally-binding international instruments are constituents of the postwar international order. They have further consolidated the historical and legal basis of Taiwan being an inalienable part of Chinese territory. Therefore, the Taiwan question is entirely China¡¦s internal affair, and how to achieve national reunification is a matter for the Chinese people on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. We will strive for peaceful reunification with the utmost effort and greatest sincerity. In the meantime, our bottom line is also clear: we will absolutely not allow anyone to separate Taiwan from China in any way.




2024-05-20 17:27





Chinese FM: One-China principle anchor of peace across Taiwan Strait


Xinhua | May 21, 2024

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi saidin Astana Monday¡]May 20¡^ that the one-China principle is what underpins peace across the Taiwan Strait.

He made these remarks on the sidelines of the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Astana, to expound on China's solemn position regarding Taiwan region's new leader's assumption of office.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that the one-China principle cannot be violated. No matter how the political situation on the Taiwan island changes, it will not change the historical and legal facts that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China, he said.

The 1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Potsdam Proclamation clearly stipulated that Taiwan, a Chinese territory stolen by Japan, shall be restored to China. These documents with international legal effect formed an integral part of the post-WWII international order and constitute the collective memory of the international community, he said.

Wang noted that separatist attempts for "Taiwan independence" constitutes the most serious challenge to the international order, the most dangerous change to the status quo across the Taiwan Strait, and the most significant damage to peace across the Taiwan Strait.






(1) ¥xÆW¦a¦ì³QÁp¦X°ê»{¬°¿W¥ß®É´Á 1945¡ã1954
(2) ¡u¨â­Ó¤¤°ê¡v®É´Á 1954¡ã1971
(3) ¤@­Ó¤¤°ê®É´Á 1971¡ã2000



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